Monday, 28 November 2016

Your Favourite Outdoor Activities Introduction 
I had introduced a survey about the outdoors and what was your favourite outdoor activity to play. I had 10 responses. The answers I had gotten were different than I had anticipated but none the less they were helpful to my study. My interests for this particular survey was to see what activities my peers enjoyed and what kind of basic concepts are needed for the activity, for example, "what kind of terrain does your activity require". Results I asked 5 simple questions 
1. List one or more outdoor activity you enjoy doing 2. Explain why you like this/those activity 
3. What do you prefer 
4. What kind of terrain does your activity require 
5. Does your activity require a team or just yourself As you can see my questions are quite basic but the responses I got for my first question was different than I had expected, I had thought that the majority would answer with more organized sports such as hockey or soccer but instead the majority had given me sports that are kind of organized or not at all for example skiing and skateboarding. I guess I should’ve expected these answers given that our school is very different than other schools and some ways the people that go to our school are also different. The second question the answers were as expected, My sport is fun, it’s relaxing etc. Third question What do you prefer? 60% Outdoor 20% Indoor 20% Other As shown in the pie graph the majority was outdoor activities which I had found surprising because in today's world people assume that you are always glued to your technology which can be true but shown on my survey even though the outdoor people may be always on their computer they find the outdoors more enjoyable. In conclusion, my answers were quite surprising and unexpected.

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